East Java Indonesia has about 229 islands with a total land area of 47,130.15 km2 and the sea area of 110,764.28 km2. If you check the East Java Indonesia map, This region located between 111°0 ‘ – 114 °4′ east longitude and 7 °12 ‘-8 °48′ latitude. East Java province bordering with the Java Sea in the north, the Bali Strait in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south, and Central Java province in the west. Long east-west stretch of East Java is about 400 km. The north-south stretch in the west area is about 200 km, but in the eastern part is narrower about 60 km. The Madura island in East Java separated by mainland by Madura Strait. Bawean island is located about 150 km north of Java. To the east of Madura there are clusters of islands, the most eastern is Kangean Islands and the northernmost is Masalembu Islands. In the southern part there are two small islands namely Nusa Barung and Sempu.
Surabaya Indonesia as the capital of East Java Province is the most low-lying city, which is about 2 meters above sea level. Meanwhile, Malang is the most high-lying city, which is about 445 meters above sea level.
Topographical conditions of East Java geography is varied, but generally more dominated by the mountainous topography, with the maximum elevation 3637 m (summit of the mountain Mahameru or Semeru) located in the area Lumajang.
Terrain Map of East Java Indonesia
By Physiographic, East Java Province can be divided into three zones: the southern zone (plateau), central zone (volcanic zone), and northern zones (folds). Lowlands and highlands that located at the middle (Ngawi, Blitar, Malang, until Bondowoso) have a fertile soil. In the north (from Bojonegoro, Tuban, Gresik, until the island of Madura), there are barren mountains.
In the center of East Java, lies a series of java volcanic mountains: On the border with Central Java, there is Mount Lawu (3265 meters). In the south east of Madiun there is Mount Wilis (2169 meters) and Mount Liman (2563 meters). In the middle there are groups of Anjasmoro mountains with a peaks of Mount Arjuno (3239 meters), Mount Welirang (3156 meters), Mount Anjasmoro (2277 meters), Mount Wayang (2198 meters), Mount Kawi (2681 meters), and Mount Kelud (1731 meter). These mountains are most located in district of Kediri, Blitar, Malang, Pasuruan, Mojokerto regency, and Jombang Regency.
The Tengger mountains group has the peak of Mount Bromo (2192 meters) and Mount Semeru (3676 meters). Semeru, with its peak called Mahameru is the highest mountain in Java Indonesia. In the horseshoe area, there are two groups of mountains: Mountains Iyang with the peak of Mount Argopuro (3088 meters) and Mountains Ijen with the peak of Mount Raung (3332 meters).
In the south there are series of hills, from southern coastal Pacitan, Trenggalek, Tulungagung, Blitar, to Malang. Kapur Selatan Mountains is a continuation of Sewu Mountains in Yogyakarta.
The two most important river in East Java province are the Brantas River (290 km) and Bengawan Solo. The Brantas River springs is at Malang area. At Mojokerto, Brantas River split into two: Mas River and Kali Porong; both empties into the Madura Strait. Bengawan Solo came from Central Java, empties at Gresik.
On the slopes of Mount Lawu near the border of Central Java, there are Sarangan Lake, a natural lake. The main dam in East Java namely Sutami Dams and Selorejo Dam, which is used for irrigation, fish farm, and tourism.